Our Values


Mosaic City Church is a place where people are free and encouraged to be real. We understand that no one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. We are a place where people can find forgiveness, restoration and healing.
Romans 15:7

COMMUNITY (Fellowship/Relationships)

Mosaic City Church works to build strong and authentic relationships within the body of Christ. We love each other. We act with care and compassion toward one another. We believe in doing life together as the body of Christ both in large settings, as well as small groups.
Hebrews 10:24-25


Mosaic City Church pursues to impact all generations, reflect the diversity of its community, and declare the diversity of the Kingdom. We desire to foster an atmosphere of unity that communicates warmth and acceptance of all people.
Galatians 3:28; Revelation 7:9


Mosaic City Church strives  to be a place where families can learn, grow and serve together. We seek for our worship services and ministries to be structured with families in mind. We desire to motivate, support, and equip parents to be the primary discipler of their children. We seek to help strengthen marriages.
Ephesians 5:22-6:4


At Mosaic City Church, we believe the Scriptures teach that every believer is called to be a disciple that makes disciples. We desire to not only see converts, but to assist each believer in growing in their faith and walking with the Lord. We desire to train, equip and encourage each believer to actively disciple others.
Matthew 28:18-20


Mosaic City Church strives to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. Our goal is not to grow a “congregation” but the Kingdom. We will follow the Lord in the task He calls us to, even if it will not add to our attendance. Our focus is on Kingdom growth and not personal comforts, programs, or buildings. We desire to partner with other churches, organizations, and church plants in order to grow the Kingdom.
Matthew 6:33